Purpose of the Position:
The coach will be employed as a one-to-one support, and will attend college courses with the student, as well as help the student participate in academics, on-campus or off-campus internships, campus clubs, and activities. This is a part-time, on-site/in-person 19 hour per week position.
Job Performance Responsibilities:
- Assist students with assignments in courses as assigned.
- Encourage appropriate college behavior.
- Foster student independence
- Assist students in accessing campus resources.
- Assist the students in travel training.
- Assist students with their internship on campus and in the local community.
- Review and encourage the use of educational accommodations for those students’ taking courses for credit and/or work with MAICEI staff to implement curriculum adaptations for course requirements for audit status
- Strategize with the student on how to communicate with faculty regarding educational plans attendance and fulfillment of credit or added audit status
- Support students who are living on campus i.e., access activities, time management, engaging with peers
- Perform other duties for the program, including administrative, educational, and marketing tasks.
Required Qualifications:
- Bachelor’s Degree required
- Minimum of two years of post-secondary education
Preferred Qualifications:
- Experience in post-secondary education
- Ability and interest in working with students with disabilities.
- Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to communicate in a positive manner.
- Strong organizational skills and the ability to work independently and take initiative.
The Community of Inclusive Scholars Program at Salem State University is a MAICEI Program; Massachusetts Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative.
Opening its doors in the Spring of 2017, the Community of Inclusive Scholars Program offers a college experience to high school students with intellectual disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorders from partnering school districts. MAICEI students are 18-22 years old, are unable to pass the MCAS exams or have passed MCAS but still qualify for special education services, are currently on an IEP, and are enrolled in a partnership district.
The Community of Inclusive Scholar students participate in two college courses, in both the fall and spring semester. In addition, Inclusive Scholars students will also participate in at least one identified activity or club, internship opportunities either on campus or through their school district, participate in the Gassett Fitness Center, peer tutoring, and the writing center. The ultimate goal of the Community of Inclusive Scholars Program is to prepare students for paid employment through the promotion of self-determination, self-advocacy, increased independence, and improvement of social skills.
- 19 hours a week, on-site/in-person position, salary at $27.00/hour
- Supervisor: Matthew Nolan, Program Coordinator, Community of Inclusive Scholars MAICEI
Interest or questions, contact him at mnolan@salemstate.edu or 978-559-9068