We are not affiliated with, nor do we endorse, any commercial companies

Occasionally, financial planning companies will use “MTRS” in their advertising or presentation materials, or otherwise imply that they can provide you with your personal MTRS retirement information.  

However, if you receive any e-mails or invitations from third parties that appear to indicate that they have a connection with us, beware.  

  • We never grant permission for the use of our name or materials in any sales solicitations or presentations by financial planners or commercial entities. When we learn of the unauthorized use of our name or materials, we immediately contact the offender and advise them to modify their materials so that they in no way suggest that the information has been supplied, approved, sponsored or endorsed by us. 
  • We do not share your personal MTRS retirement data with financial planners or firms. Your account data is confidential; we will provide it only to you or someone authorized by you, and only after we have verified your or your representative’s identity.
  • We do not provide your address, phone number or e-mail address to outside groups except pursuant to a public records request from a criminal justice agency or an organization that qualifies for an exemption under the Commonwealth’s public records law [M.G.L. c. 4, s. 7 (26)(o)].

If you ever receive an e-mail, invitation or call from a company offering to sell you financial services and claiming to have a connection with the MTRS or have access to your personal MTRS data, first, be cautious. Second, call us at 617-679-6877