Phone: 617-679-6877

Fax: 617-679-1661

Save yourself the drive: Walk-in services are limited

Please note our walk-in services are currently limited to the drop-off and review of your application for completeness (retirement, refund, or service purchase) and subject to a 15-minute maximum.

If you cannot find the information you need on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us by phone or email before driving to either our Charlestown or Springfield office. Our representatives can most likely answer your questions or take your requests for additional services.

Walk-in services cannot include:

  • Creditable service estimates
  • Determining your eligibility to purchase creditable service, or your estimated cost
  • Projecting your retirement benefits

To obtain these services, please submit your request by phone or email; we will acknowledge your request, and it will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.

As a reminder, you can access these popular resources online:

  • Your MTRS Benefits booklet, our guide to retirement benefits.
  • Ready for Retirement booklet, our guide for retirement planning, completing the Retirement Application, and what you’ll need to know after retirement.
  • Member videos, browse our collection of videos featuring key topics from both the “Your MTRS Benefits” and “Ready for Retirement” seminars.
  • Downloadable forms

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.