Leslie Lovett - MTRS - Page 4

Please follow instructions to ensure email delivery of the Enrollment Assignment Sheet to your new employees
The "Email Enrollment Assignment Sheet" link at the end of the employee registration process, which has been unavailable since late November, has been restored. During the final step of an employee's registration, please click: a) the "Enrollment Assignment Sheet" link to …

Read more MyTRS–Employee Registration “Email Enrollment Assignment Sheet” link restored

As we begin the new year, it is critical that we work together to eliminate the backlogs in deduction reports. Please note the following deadlines:
Read more MTRS 2024 Deduction Reporting Deadlines

A step in the new member registration process is currently not working; a workaround is provided

A recent patch to our MyTRS reporting platform has temporarily turned off the "Email Enrollment Assignment Sheet" function in our new member registration process. Employers can still register members for membership; however, the "Email Enrollment Assignment Sheet" link is not working. Instead, …

Read more MyTRS–Employee Registration “Email Enrollment Assignment Sheet” function is temporarily inoperative


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