Member News - MTRS - Page 2

The MTRS is happy to announce the return of our personalized counseling sessions in the form of Virtual Retirement Counseling. These sessions are offered via Microsoft Teams to enable much more flexibility than was previously possible with our in-person Group Counseling sessions. These sessions are designed to provide an overview of the current retirement …

Read more Group counseling is back—virtually

Thank you to all of you who attended our recent live online "Your MTRS Benefits" seminar. The recording is now available if you would like to listen to it again or if you missed the seminar. Additionally, you can download the "Your MTRS Benefits" booklet which includes the slides of the …

Read more Recording of our online “Your MTRS Benefits” seminar now available

Pension Forfeiture

The Governor has signed legislation that offers eligible members who transferred into the MTRS a second opportunity to elect to participate in the RetirementPlus (R+) program. The R+ program, signed into law in 2000, provided eligible members with increased retirement benefits. As stipulated in the R+ legislation in 2000, members who transferred into …

Read more New law offers eligible Members who transferred into the MTRS a second chance for RetirementPlus (R+) participation


500 Rutherford Avenue, Suite 210

Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: 617-679-6877

Fax: 617-679-1661


One Monarch Place, Suite 510

Springfield, MA 01144

Phone: 413-784-1711

Fax: 413-784-1707

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