Employer News - MTRS - Page 38

Dear School District Superintendents, Charter School and Education Collaborative Directors, Business Managers, Payroll Officers, Personnel Administrators and Town Treasurers,

Please note these three timely updates regarding retiree insurance processing: 1) Global insurance rate changes for January: Please send these to us now, so that—as possible—the new premiums may be withheld from your retirees’ December payments.

If …

Read more MTRS news: Three important updates regarding retiree insurance processing

Dear School District Superintendents, Charter School and Education Collaborative Directors, Business Managers, Town Treasurers, Personnel Administrators and Payroll Officers,

In October, we added Retiree Insurance functions to the employer self-service area in MyTRS, and asked a small number of districts to evaluate them as well as the related training materials. The results are in, …

Read more MTRS update: Retiree Insurance functions now available in MyTRS

Dear School District Superintendents, Charter School and Education Collaborative Directors, Business Managers, Town Treasurers, Personnel Administrators and Payroll Officers,

Please note these two important updates regarding:

1) the deadline for finalizing all calendar year 2014 deduction reports; and 2) tips and reminders for payroll deduction reporting.

1) The deadline for finalizing all calendar year 2014 …

Read more MTRS update: Payroll deduction reporting news, tips and reminders

Dear School District Superintendents, Charter School and Education Collaborative Directors, Business Managers, Payroll Officers, Personnel Administrators and Town Treasurers,

Please note that, pursuant to our MyTRS Password Security Policy, you will need to change your password when you sign on to MyTRS on or after Saturday, October 25, 2014. At the same time, you …

Read more MTRS update: You will need to change your MyTRS password on or after October 25, 2014


500 Rutherford Avenue, Suite 210

Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: 617-679-6877

Fax: 617-679-1661


One Monarch Place, Suite 510

Springfield, MA 01144

Phone: 413-784-1711

Fax: 413-784-1707