Two critical reminders when adding your 2021 calendar(s) in MyTRS:

  1. Do not delete or overwrite any of your previous years’ calendars. Please follow the exact steps in the Guided Practice to preserve previous payroll calendars, which our staff use to generate service credit reports for members.
  2. Add your 2021 payroll calendar(s) BEFORE you import your January report. Importing your payroll calendar(s) after  your January report will result in multiple calendar-related errors.
    To fix these errors:

    1. Add your 2021 payroll calendar(s).
    2. Open your January report and click Apply. Your report will refresh, and the calendar-related errors will be resolved and removed from the exception report.

Need help creating a payroll calendar in MyTRS? Watch our training video or review the written Guided Practice.


Please don’t hesitate to contact your district’s assigned Employer Services Representative.