Dear School District Superintendents, Charter School and Education Collaborative Directors, Business Managers, Town Treasurers, Personnel Administrators and Payroll Officers,

Please take note of these two timely updates:

1) 2013 deduction reports: The deadline for finalizing your calendar year 2013 deduction reports is March 31, 2014.

At this time, and thanks to your efforts, we are on schedule to finalize all districts’ calendar year 2013 deduction reports by March 31, 2014. Currently, 350 districts have completed their 2013 reports, and 95% of all the reports are complete. If your district:

  • is complete, THANK YOU—you are in compliance!
  • is not yet complete, please let us know if you need any assistance in meeting this deadline, as we are here to help. As a reminder, districts that fail to comply with the March 31st deadline will be referred to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) and the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission.

2) February 2014 reports and payments: As a reminder, submissions were due by Monday, March 10.

As you know, deduction payments are due by the 10th of each month for the previous month’s deductions and reports. If you have not already submitted your January or February 2014 employee retirement deductions and reports, please do so immediately.