For the past several months, the MTRS has been working with our MyTRS vendor to improve the import and deduction reporting functionality in the Employer Self-Service (ESS) module in MyTRS.

We are now seeking your feedback to confirm whether the changes made to the system are improving your MyTRS experience. Each week, our Director of Application and Data Services, Surendra Puttagunta, will monitor imports and deduction reporting activity and will email districts to request that you fill out a brief online MyTRS system performance survey.

We sincerely appreciate your participation and feedback, which will assist us in confirming performance enhancements and identifying additional areas for improvement.

Even if you are not asked to participate in the survey via email, you can always report a performance issue directly within MyTRS using the link in the MyTRS News window upon login, or the ESS error reporting form link on the Employer page of our website.