For employers and members: Beware of sales solicitations that say “MTRS”

We are not affiliated with, nor do we endorse, any commercial companies

Occasionally, financial planning companies will use “MTRS” in their advertising or presentation materials, or otherwise imply that they can provide members with their personal MTRS retirement information.

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Prepare for retirement season

Watch our video on how to complete Part 2 of the MTRS retirement application

We revised Part 2, the employer portion of our retirement application, earlier this year. For a refresher on the changes and section-by-section instructions on how to complete the form, check out our video.

Watch video

Now available online…

Employer news and broadcast e-mail archive

Access our recent updates (like this one), as well as previous broadcast e-mails to employers, using the new button on the Employer landing page.

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Coming soon…

Training programs for employers on deduction reporting in MyTRS

Watch your inbox for the agenda, dates and locations, and registration info. We hope you will join us!