We are pleased to announce a new employer training webcast series running from late July through the end of August. Each webcast covers a separate topic, so you are encouraged to register for as many sessions as you would like to attend!

Webcast dates and topics

  • July 24, 11 am – 12 pm—Introduction to the MTRS
    • This session is best for:
      School superintendents, directors, business managers, HR staff, payroll staff, and city/town staff (when applicable), who want to learn about the MTRS and the employer role.

  • July 31, 11 am – 12 pm—MTRS Membership Eligibility and Onboarding New Employees
    • This session is best for:
      Anyone involved in the decision process of hiring and reclassification of employees.

  • July 31, 1 pm – 2 pm—MTRS Membership Eligibility and Onboarding New Employees—Charter School Edition
    • This session is best for:
      Anyone involved in the decision process of hiring and reclassification of employees in a charter school.

  • August 7, 11 am – 12 pm—Creditable Service, Employment Events, LOAs and Workers’ Compensation
    • This session is best for:
      HR staff and payroll staff.

  • August 9, 11 am – 12 pm—Regular Compensation, What Pay is Retirement Eligible
    • This session is best for:
      Payroll staff and administrators who work on employment agreements and contracts.

  • August 14, 11 am – 12 pm—Monthly Reporting Overview, Importing Your Report and Fixing Import Errors
    • This session is best for:
      Payroll and town staff who are responsible for getting the deduction report file imported into MyTRS in Initial Status for processing.

  • August 20, 11 am – 12:30 pm—Monthly Reporting, Submitting Your Initial Report to Pending
    • This session is best for:
      Payroll and Town staff who are responsible for submitting the deduction report file in MyTRS each month and supervisors who would like to learn how the process works.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to attend. Each session will be held using Microsoft Teams, so simply click the link on the day and time of your registered event to join the session. If you wish to attend multiple sessions, simply complete a registration for each individual session. If you are unable to attend a session, do not worry—recordings will be made available after the event.

NOTE: These webcasts are for employers only. Please do not forward this to MTRS eligible employees.