Employer News - MTRS - Page 34

Payroll deduction reporting updates

Deadline for 2018 reports: March 8, 2019

We have recently begun notifying the superintendents of districts that are severely delinquent in deduction reporting of their district's status, and we will send additional notices to delinquent districts in the coming weeks. (A district is considered severely delinquent if its reports are backlogged for four …

Read more MTRS employer news: 2018 Deduction reporting deadline and reminders

For employers and members: Beware of sales solicitations that say "MTRS"

We are not affiliated with, nor do we endorse, any commercial companies

Occasionally, financial planning companies will use "MTRS" in their advertising or presentation materials, or otherwise imply that they can provide members with their personal MTRS retirement information. Read more

Prepare for retirement season

Watch our …

Read more Employer news, October 5, 2018

As you know, there are federal and state limits on the amount of pensionable earnings ("regular compensation") that can be used in computing benefits for active members of public retirement systems with effective membership dates after 12/31/1995. What this means for employers For any members with effective membership dates after 12/31/1995 or 1/1/2011, do not …

Read more MTRS update: Note the 2018 pensionable earnings limits for employees with membership dates after 12/31/1995

Dear School District Superintendents, Charter School and Education Collaborative Directors, Business Managers, Payroll Officers, Personnel Administrators and Town Treasurers,

We are writing to advise employers that our regulatory agency, the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC), has reversed its original guidance regarding not taking deductions on supplemental pay in conjunction with workers’ compensation benefits, …

Read more MTRS news: Update regarding “regular compensation” for members receiving workers’ compensation


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Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: 617-679-6877

Fax: 617-679-1661


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Springfield, MA 01144

Phone: 413-784-1711

Fax: 413-784-1707

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