On Friday, March 31, 2023 our election vendor will mail a second round of ballots to members of the MTRS eligible for the one-time RetirementPlus special election who, as of March 24, 2023, had not yet cast a ballot. Please be sure to remind your eligible employees to make their RetirementPlus participation decision as soon as possible if they have not yet done so. As a reminder, all your employees who are eligible for this election are currently NOT participating in RetirementPlus and must elect to do so (even if they are currently contributing at 11%), or elect to opt-out so that we can expedite making their accounts whole.
As a reminder, please do not make any changes to member contribution rates unless instructed by us. As we continue to receive RetirementPlus participation decisions we will be in contact to update each member’s contribution rate.
If MTRS members have questions regarding the new law and its potential impact, please have them visit the MTRS website and the R+ Resource Center for details or email us at RetirementPlus@trb.state.ma.us.
We will reach out with updates on the next steps of this process in the near future. Again, we appreciate your assistance.