Employer News - MTRS - Page 32

Over the last few months, we have worked with representatives from the State Comptroller's office, the Public Employees' Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC), and KPMG to issue the GASB Statement No. 68 schedules for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 to be used by our employer units in their FY2019 financial statements. As you know, …

Read more Current GASB Report for MTRS employers now available

It's the start of a new year and that means it's time to add your 2019 payroll calendar(s) in MyTRS. If you haven't done this already, be sure to add your calendar(s) BEFORE you import your January report.
When adding your 2019 calendar(s)…
In July 2018, in an effort to improve our online registration and enrollment processes for employers and members alike, we asked school district representatives who register our members in MyTRS for feedback on the process. As a result of your comments, we have made the following changes, which will be live soon.

Four new fields required …

Read more MyTRS member registration process enhanced: New fields, new form

As you know, there are federal and state limits on the amount of pensionable earnings ("regular compensation") that can be used in computing benefits for active members of public retirement systems with effective membership dates after 12/31/1995.

What this means for employers

For any members with effective membership dates after 12/31/1995 or 1/1/2011, do not take MTRS …

Read more Note the 2019 pensionable earnings limits for employees with membership dates after 12/31/1995


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