Employer News - MTRS - Page 33

1) Group insurance rate changes for January: Beat the rush! Please send your new senior rates to us ASAP so everyone's changes can be processed on time

If you have already submitted your group insurance rate changes for January, thank you; if not, at your earliest convenience, please complete our group rate premium rate change form …

Read more Three annual reminders regarding MTRS retiree insurance processing

Be sure to register at least 5 business days before your preferred session. Space is limited, so if you register and cannot attend, please notify us as soon as possible. If needed based on demand, we will schedule additional sessions and notify you of their availability. Feel free to share this e-mail with any interested co-workers. Preregistration is …

Read more Employer training programs on two topics to be presented in November and December—register now!

"Ready for Retirement" seminars starting soon—Woburn program just added

For MTRS Tier 1 members (established membership BEFORE April 2, 2012)

As we recently announced, we will soon be presenting our popular "Ready for Retirement" seminar at 9 locations across the Commonwealth. Please remind your soon-to-be-retiring employees that we're offering this program—and that this is a prime opportunity …

Read more Member seminars starting soon; Woburn program just added

"Ready for Retirement" seminars coming soon— please spread the word!

For MTRS Tier 1 members (established membership BEFORE April 2, 2012)

In November, we will be presenting our popular "Ready for Retirement" seminar at 9 locations across the Commonwealth. Please remind your soon-to-be-retiring employees that we're offering this program—and that this is a prime opportunity for them to …

Read more Employer news, October 18, 2018


500 Rutherford Avenue, Suite 210

Charlestown, MA 02129

Phone: 617-679-6877

Fax: 617-679-1661


One Monarch Place, Suite 510

Springfield, MA 01144

Phone: 413-784-1711

Fax: 413-784-1707

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